Heavy Salsa Party am 12.02. in HANNOVER!

      Descarga Cumban Dance Association

      Hello People,

      I wanted to make a new announcement and that is:


      Welcomes you to our GRAND OPENING PARTY. The date of the party will be 12th of February at Freizeitheim Vahrenwald.
      The entry will cost only 5 Euro and there will be 5 showacts from our dancers.

      Mitchell 2x)
      Alex & Jessica
      Kamal & christina
      and special guests: Mas Salsa Dance From Berlin.

      Also To register for new courses starting in March there will be Anmeldungsformular at the party available.

      The Party Starts at 22:00.

      Make shure you be there on time cause there will be a great surprise for everybody.
      Make shure you be there...

      Also one thing I ask from everybody to have a good heart and come to the Workshop at Krokuss this weekend, It is for a good purpose.
      Help the people in South-Asia.

      Thank you,

      Mitchell Provence

      Descarga Cumban Dancers= Descargando tu cuerpo!!!!!

      Heavy Salsa Party am 12.02. in HANNOVER!

      Hallo Ihr Lieben!!!

      Die neue Formation "Descarga Cumban Dancers" gibt ihre Eröffnungsparty!!! :gut:

      Wo ------- Freizeitheim Vahrenwald, Vahrenwalder Str. 92 (U1 Richtung Langenhagen oder U2 Richtung Vahrenwald bis Dragonerstrasse)

      Ab ------- 22 Uhr

      Kosten -- 5,- €

      Was Ihr dafür geboten bekommt???

      Party-Musik mit den DJs F.D. und José Lopez :gut:

      Ausserdem ab ca. 23 Uhr Showacts mit:

      - Mitchell
      - Alex & Jessica
      - Kamal & Christine

      und als Special Guests:

      Más Salsa aus Berlin!!!!!!! :gut:

      Ach ja, und die Moderation zur Show macht meine Wenigkeit... :rolleyes: :D 8)

      Neue Salsa-Kurse mit Descarga Dancers ab März 2005 - mehr Infos auf der Party!!!

      Kontakt: Alex ( 0174-2014238 )
      Das absolute Wissen führt zu Pessimismus; die Kunst ist das Heilmittel dagegen.
      Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900), dt. Philosoph


      Trust me I will!!!!!!

      Thank you so much for your support!!!!!
      Now I am trying to do my own thing even though some people wants to break my business by telling that I was their Student. :D :]
      I Took some classes from Eddie Torres(NEW YORK) and not from the teacher who thinks He's Eddie Torres from Hannover.
      I respect everybody's work when they Selfrespect(Some people are so desperate to use my name for their promotion..)
      Name you have to work for to deserve not pretend.....
      Cause when it comes out then you are :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

      Descarga Cumban Dancers
      @ Mitchell

      Are you talking about that guy who said "And now we dance a cuban bachata." ?
      Ese tonto... ?(

      You are the best, baby... And the only one with who I'm able to dance on 2... :rolleyes: :)
      Das absolute Wissen führt zu Pessimismus; die Kunst ist das Heilmittel dagegen.
      Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900), dt. Philosoph

      @ Julia

      Ne ne... Du hast da nichts verpasst... Da hat doch wirklich der Möchtegern-Eddie Torres behauptet, dass Bachata cuban wäre... höhö... Das Wort DomRep sagt ihm wohl nichts... ?( :rolleyes:
      Das absolute Wissen führt zu Pessimismus; die Kunst ist das Heilmittel dagegen.
      Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900), dt. Philosoph

      @ mitchell

      Luv-ya, son... :bussi: :bussi: :bussi: :bussi:

      @ all

      Whatever... Das wird eine absolut geniale Party werden, die Ihr nicht verpassen solltet!!!!!! :gut:

      Also, ich freu mich wirklich schon richtig drauf! :rolleyes: :D
      Das absolute Wissen führt zu Pessimismus; die Kunst ist das Heilmittel dagegen.
      Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900), dt. Philosoph

      Original von mitchellon2
      Now I am trying to do my own thing even though some people wants to break my business by telling that I was their Student. :D :]
      I Took some classes from Eddie Torres(NEW YORK) and not from the teacher who thinks He's Eddie Torres from Hannover.

      Are you sure he was telling explicitly that you were his student - did you personally hear him saying that?

      Or was he just referring to the fact that the vast majority of the Descarga Dancers have been his students? If I am not in error this is true for six of the dancers.

      I don't think that a student has to do only what his teacher does for his whole life. And it is always clever to look around for new impact. But a student should better stay thankful for what you he has learnt, even if it has been in former times.

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 4 mal editiert, zuletzt von „Hannes“ ()


      First to answer your question: Yes I heard him personally screaming that. :P :P :P
      With all respect for what he did in the past for the salsa-scene I say this but he is not allowed to use my name for his achievings in the salsa-scene here in Hannover.

      To grow further as a Salsa-Teacher you can not revere to what you did in the past cause Time changes everything. You have to grow further as a teacher to make shure your own name will be remembered cause you never know in the future if your students will be thankfull to you or not.
      And for more information it is only 4 dancers who were under his name(danceschool).
      Others did their own job for being the dancers they are now.(and much respect for them).
      wearing the Descarga T-Shirt means that She/He is a member of Descarga Dance Ass. and the past does not make a difference cause they have to built their proffesionality on their own from beginning.
      And I would like to invite everybody to the party so we can have some fun!!!!!Every Danceschool!!!!!!(remember your own moto: dancing is inner freedom :D)

      I ain't mad at cha :D :D :D :D

      Mitchell Provence
      Descarga Dance Ass.