Jayson Molina

Interview (english) with Jayson Molina (27 y.) at Hot Salsa Weekend Stockholm 2003 in Hotel Utsikten

Salsa4all.com: Jayson, at the beginning tell us a little bit about you!
Jayson Molina:
I was born in Puerto Rico, then I raised up in New York, and now I’m living again in Puerto Rico.

Salsa4all.com: When did you begin to dance and where? And who was your menthor?
Jayson Molina:
I’m dancing since I’m eight years old, and since twelve years I do it professionally. My menthor was Eddi Torres. That’s where I’m coming from...

Salsa4all.com: Your footwork is what you are famous for. What inspires you?
Jayson Molina:
The music. I always try to translate with my feet what the music tells me. For me, dancing means something spiritual, it is, as if Jayson would leave his body and would have been led by the music..

Salsa4all.com: What profession would you have, if not dancer?
Jayson Molina:
Singer! Music is my life!

Salsa4all.com: What are you doing when you are not dancing? Do you have any other interests?
Jayson Molina:
I love children, and I am very interested in psychology. I like the beach, and I like dancing…

Salsa4all.com: Would you finally be so kind to give an advice for our salseros and salseras?
Jayson Molina:
You should never dance for competition or for being better than someone else, Just dance for your own spirituality and for your soul. Just listen to what the music is telling you!

Salsa4all.com: Thank you!